On the Capricorn Solstice
free the dead from weight of old skin.... love the poem!!
Thank you — lovely to connect with you through poetry.
dream of Peace and Joy
What a dream I had
Shining faces, alive in choral ecstasy
Brilliant, dazzling trees,
decked out city squares,
festive dwellings
Gathering in congregation, we, the people
who live to feel connected -- in touch, in tune,
protected within our radiant web of care --
to share gifts of love, goodwill, amiable peace,
uplift of joy that brings
warmth to this season.
Imbued with vital revelations
-- the pain we each tend in isolation
was never meant to be our fate
Let us mend
troubled minds,
unkind separation
Let us rejoice in communal celebration
Let our true world arise, reflect in glowing eyes,
unite us in empyreal Light, of our own creation.
* * * * * * * *
Humankind's oldest wisdom, newest
truth -- the magic of connection,
enduring bounty of engaging commonality
Step out of lonely isolation, into a shared
reality, that vision of community, greatest
source of security when we are well known,
accruing value of appreciation for our
participation in creating
good works, good will, good friends,
merry moments
free the dead from weight of old skin.... love the poem!!
Thank you — lovely to connect with you through poetry.
dream of Peace and Joy
What a dream I had
Shining faces, alive in choral ecstasy
Brilliant, dazzling trees,
decked out city squares,
festive dwellings
Gathering in congregation, we, the people
who live to feel connected -- in touch, in tune,
protected within our radiant web of care --
to share gifts of love, goodwill, amiable peace,
uplift of joy that brings
warmth to this season.
Imbued with vital revelations
-- the pain we each tend in isolation
was never meant to be our fate
Let us mend
troubled minds,
unkind separation
Let us rejoice in communal celebration
Let our true world arise, reflect in glowing eyes,
unite us in empyreal Light, of our own creation.
* * * * * * * *
Humankind's oldest wisdom, newest
truth -- the magic of connection,
enduring bounty of engaging commonality
Step out of lonely isolation, into a shared
reality, that vision of community, greatest
source of security when we are well known,
accruing value of appreciation for our
participation in creating
good works, good will, good friends,
merry moments