Photo by Mike Szczepanski, courtesy of Unsplash
Mosquito mind Regarding a mosquito, forget what you know, the buzzing in your ear from childhood beach trips the buzzing in your ear of tinnitus, wishing for ascension signals (you never know, keep listening). What, says the mosquito, why are you bothering me with your query? I just want to get on with things and take your blood. You’re so old, there’s amber of you, records from the Jurassic. Do you remember drinking nectar? Do you remember before we were born? Once, between lives we sipped nectar with the orbs. Sabian Raine for January 11, 2025
On January 11 at 6:02 pm EST, the nodal axis of the Moon slides from the first degree of Aries/Libra to the final degree of Pisces/Virgo. The Moon’s nodes change signs every eighteen months, and the entire cycle takes eighteen years. Hence, your first nodal return coincides with the emotional maturation that takes place as you enter adulthood. Your first nodal opposition provides a gateway to your Saturn return. On it goes. For insight on a personal level, you can look to the transiting nodes’ location by house in your natal chart. You can also look to the location of the nodal guides (rulers) by natal house and sign. What have you been experiencing during the Mars/Venus months and what can you anticipate during the Neptune (or Jupiter)/Mercury months?
We can think of the South Node as what needs review and the North Node as potential or possibility. If we do not look back and make adjustments (Virgo), we tend to repeat ourselves or get lost in the future fog (Pisces). The Moon represents our subconscious, our sense of security (especially emotional) and safety, what nurtures us and how we nurture, our home and family, our ancestry, our self-esteem or self image.
Collectively, we are in a crucial period of review, as we are anticipating major, even unprecedented, shifts as the outer planets change signs. Not only is there a shift from yin to yang (Sedna from Cancer to Gemini; Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius; Neptune from Pisces to Aries; Uranus from Taurus to Gemini), the elemental shift is from water and earth to fire and air. In another post, I referenced the importance of grounding this energy, of not forgetting the Moon’s Nodes (whose primary motion is retrograde) and especially the South Node, currently moving from Libra to Virgo.
How have we emotionally been preparing? What have we witnessed over the last year and a half regarding the Venusian Libra relational dynamics? Have we updated our tendency to go along to get along? Have we found greater harmony or justice? If not, what does this portend for our collective Martian future? How will our Aries instinct proceed if unchecked? What have we unleashed?
The Virgo South Node may provide some checks on our behavior. It’s as if we are moving backward as we go forward. This contrasting motion of the nodal axis to the rest of the planets means we have ongoing opportunity to wake up and clean up. If this all sounds very Virgo, it’s because we need to lean into discernment before we open the gates to the mysteries, to the spiritual, to all that is beyond the veil. So much is already spilling through. Is our container sound? Are we ready to sip nectar with mosquitos, or do we first need to apply some of that Skin so Soft?
#nodal axis #moon’s nodes #astrology #poetry